Monday, October 26, 2015

Week#9 Midterm Reflections and Preparing for the Future

Midterm Thoughts & Question

Kahoot Challenge
Google Translate Challenge (pronunciation practice)

Sugata Mitra - SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environment)

Quoting Arthur C Clarke
  • Any teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be!
  • If children have interests then education happens.


The Flipped Classrooma form of blended learning which encompasses any use of technology to leverage the learning in a classroom, so a teacher can spend more time interacting with students instead of lecturing. This is most commonly being done using teacher-created videos that students view outside of class time.

 Let's use Video to Reinvent Education

More about Khan Analytics (starts at 1:10)

거꾸로교실 플립러닝 Flipped Learning KBS
PD Journal: 아이들이 즐거워지는 혁명, ‘거꾸로 교실’

Interview with Salman Khan

About Flipped Classroom

The Flipped Classroom Project

Teachers "Doing The Flip" To Help Students Become Learners

The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman The title is a metaphor for viewing the world as a level playing field in terms of commerce, where all competitors have an equal opportunity.

    Transcript Here

    Food for Thought: Changing Education Paradigms

    Other cool RSA Animate Videos
      Language as a Window into Human Nature
       The Power of Networks

      The Divided Brain
    and from other sources
    Rethinking Education

    Discussion Questions

    • What are your first reactions to the ideas discussed in the videos.
    • How could Flipped Classroom and SOLE concepts be effective in your current or likely future teaching environments?
    • What would be the benefits, challenges, and obstacles (for teachers, students, and the system)?
    • How do you think the role of the teacher will change in coming years? How can you be prepared for the future?

    • Check out some of the resources on on this post and share your thoughts and reflections on a your own blog.
    • Take a look at some of  the Skills Guide on  Arrive to next week's class with questions, interests, and fully-charged phone batteries.

    Monday, October 12, 2015



    Answer the questions below in a total of at least 600 words.
    Email answers to and/or post them on your blog by October 23.
    • Of the topics we've covered so far, which ones will be most applicable to your future language learning and  teaching? Why?
    • Choose one aspect of something we've covered in this course and describe in some detail how you would apply that to a future lesson?
    • Which topics or methods are you interested in learning more about during the second half of the certificate program? 

    Week#7 - Affective Issues in ELT

    Affective Issues in L2 Learning in the Classroom


    Jessica affirmation

    Student-Teacher Relationships as Motivators v1

    The surprising secret to speaking with confidence

    Discussion, Part#1

    • What was the most stressful class you’ve ever taken? Why?
    • What learning situations have caused you the most anxiety?
    • Think back to past teachers and courses.  Which ones helped you have a ‘I can do it!’ attitude?
      Which ones did the opposite?
    • What kinds of classroom activities cause you the most anxiety?  Which ones make you most comfortable?
    • How do you usually perform in class?  Up to your level?  Underperform?  Overperform?
    • How do you usually perform on tests?
    • How often do you say positive things about your English speaking abilities?
    • When are you most confident in life? most insecure?
    • Who is the most confident person you know?  Why do you think they are so confident?

    Discussion, Part#2

    • What forms of social persuasion (comments from others) have affected your self-efficacy?
    • Who has affected your self-efficacy positively or negatively?  How so?
    • What kind of anxiety have you felt as a teacher? when making presentations?
    • Do you feel like your confidence is growing or diminishing?
    • What things have teachers done over the years that raised or lowered your affective filter/classroom anxiety?
    • How would you rate you self-efficacy when it comes to communicating in English?
                                                                                             being a competent teacher?
    • When you are learning a language, how much error correction do you want?
    • How do you want to be corrected?
    • How much does the age of students make a difference in the style of error correction?
    • How would you encourage your students to have an ‘I can do it’ attitude?

    Monday, October 5, 2015

    Week#6 - Learning Styles

    Learning Styles

    Different Theories of Learning Styles Handout

    Videos Right Brain/Left Brain

    Ted Talk

    Multiple Intelligences

    David Kolb


    Learning Styles - Discussion Questions Part#1

    * In general terms, how would you describe your learning styles?
    * How much do you know about these different theories of learning styles?
    • Right Brain/Left Brain Dominant
    • Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences (musical–rhythmic, visual–spatial, verbal–linguistic, logical–mathematical, bodily–kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic)
    • David Kolb’s  Accommodator, Converger, Diverger, Assimilator
    • Field Independent vs. Field Independent
    * To the extent that you do, how would you characterize your learning styles according to each theory?
    * How do your learning styles affect they way you study and learn? * In what ways have your educational experiences matched your learning styles or not?

    Learning Styles - Discussion Questions Part#2

    • Which theory of learning styles makes the most sense to you?
    • How much do you think a person actually has a particular learning style?
      (e.g. I’m a right brain learner, or I’m a visual, interpersonal learner)
    • How much do you think learning styles affect they way you learn and/or teach?
    • As a learner, how much does it matter which of these learning styles the teacher focuses on?
      Can you think of examples of teachers who targeted different learning styles in their teaching?
    • As a teacher, how important do you think it is to incorporate different learning styles into your teaching plans?

    • On your blog, post a customized reflection (according to your learning styles) about our Week#6 materials and discussion about Learning Styles.
    • Next week, we will discuss topics related to chapters 6~7 (personality and sociocultural factors). It may be helpful to take a look at those chapters.