Affective Issues in L2 Learning in the Classroom
Jessica affirmation
Body Language Shapes Who You are
The surprising secret to speaking with confidence, Part#1
- What was the most stressful class you’ve ever taken? Why?
- What learning situations have caused you the most anxiety?
- Think back to past teachers and courses. Which ones helped you have a ‘I can do it!’ attitude?
Which ones did the opposite? - What kinds of classroom activities cause you the most anxiety? Which ones make you most comfortable?
- How do you usually perform in class? Up to your level? Underperform? Overperform?
- How do you usually perform on tests?
- How often do you say positive things about your English speaking abilities?
Negative? - When are you most confident in life? most insecure?
- Who is the most confident person you know? Why do you think they are so confident?
Discussion, Part#2
- What forms of social persuasion (comments from others) have affected your self-efficacy?
- Who has affected your self-efficacy positively or negatively? How so?
- What kind of anxiety have you felt as a teacher? when making presentations?
- Do you feel like your confidence is growing or diminishing?
- What things have teachers done over the years that raised or lowered your affective filter/classroom anxiety?
- How would you rate you self-efficacy when it comes to communicating in English?
being a competent teacher? - When you are learning a language, how much error correction do you want?
- How do you want to be corrected?
- How much does the age of students make a difference in the style of error correction?
- How would you encourage your students to have an ‘I can do it’ attitude?
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