Monday, November 30, 2015

Week#14 - Items from the Rest of the TESOL Buffet

Speaker’s Corner (You Are Here Style)
How has Korea changed (in the last five or ten years)?

What are the biggest Misconceptions about Korea?

Who are your heroes?

What do you think of plastic surgery? Do you think it’s too common?
Why do you think it’s so common in Korea?

What are the benefits and challenges of cross-cultural dating?
Would you be open to dating someone from a different culture or prefer to date someone from your culture?

What do you think of Korean Education?

What’s your dream job?

World Englishes 

21 Accents
World Englishes:


David Crystal - World Englishes

Speech Accent Archive

David Crystal - Which English?

Different Kinds of Slang:
African American English:

American Dialects:   22 Maps

English Dialect Map:

Ted Talks
    Discussion Questions: 

  • What different variations of English have you experienced as a listener and/or conversation participant? Which have been most challenging?
  • What can we do as learners and educators to better understand the wide variety of World Englishes?
  • Is understanding a variety of World Englishes valued in Korea? Why or Why not?
  • Should we aim for more standardization or differentiation in English usage and language in general?
  • What would be the best form of international English?
  • Do you think English will continue to be considered the global lingua franca for the foreseeable future?

Culture in the TESOL Classroom

What role does culture play in a TESOL classroom?


Discussion Questions:  The Role of Culture in the TESOL Classroom Answers to the questions below will likely vary based on the age and level of students.
In answering, first think about your most likely teaching context.
  • Do you think including culture as part of ELT is important? Why or Why not?
  • Should culture be taught separately or integrated into most lessons?
  • What is "English Culture"? What types of things should be taught as part of English Culture?
    Which aspects of culture should be emphasized - food, arts, holidays, clothing, pop media, values, history, etiquette, etc.?
  • What are the challenges of teaching ‘English’ culture as a non-native English teacher (NNET)?
  • What materials (text, ppt’s, videos,etc) and activities are most effective for teaching culture?
  • Is it appropriate for a teacher to share moral, religious, and/or personal opinions with students or should they remain as neutral as possible? Why or Why not? (e.g. it's not good to be a workaholic, same-sex marriage should be legal, the U.S. is too militaristic)
  • What kinds of topics would you consider inappropriate for a TESOL classroom?  
    Any specific issues that should be avoided in Korea?
  • As a learner or educator, can you think of examples of when you experienced significant  'culture in the classroom' moments? In which situations were your reactions positive, in which situations were your reactions negative?


Core Questions: What are the benefits and difficulties associated with multiculturalism in Korea and elsewhere?



Discussion Questions: 

  • What do you think are the biggest potential concerns and benefits for a society (particularly Korea) becoming more multicultural?
  • What have been the best and worst multicultural environments or experiences you've encountered? What made them so good or bad?
  • Which do you think is a better multicultural model for a society to strive for - a salad bowl, a melting pot, or a chunky stew?
  • What role does physical appearance, educational background, and financial standing play in multiculturalism?
  • What do you think Korean society will be like (in regards to multiculturalism) in 10, 25, 50 years?
  • What role does the media play in the evolution of attitudes toward multiculturalism?
  • How do you determine if someone is 'Korean'?
  • How would you rank the 'Korean-ness' of
- a mixed race person raised in Korea
- a non-ethnic Korean born and raised in Korea
- a non-ethnic Korean who has lived here a long time and is fluent in Korean
- an ethnic Korean raised overseas (gyop


Watch all of your videos
  • What did think as you watched your videos?
  • How could you have improved what you said - language correction, speaking style, or anything else?

    Post your thoughts as a short blog post.
Watch at least three other videos of your classmates. Make short comments in the Band.

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